Monday, December 3, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Ranger became a pet king

Ranger, is famous for its precision shooting skills, agile skill and loyalty accompanied combat pet in Tyrian world. Ranger rely on the advantages of remote attacks, whether in PVE or PVP have certain advantages, player accompanied by pets is the icing on the cake, these loyal partners will not leave the Ranger side because of time or be defeated, they will always guarded masters of their hearts, until the final victory.

"Guild Wars 2" combat pet system is very large, to meet the full range of needs of the Ranger adventure, Ranger became the king of the pet's well-deserved. Ranger pets overall divided into three categories: terrestrial, amphibious, underwater, Ranger pet Management panel Total storage space of four pets, were two terrestrial pet underwater pet 2. Land pets can only be placed on land use pet slot underwater pets can be placed only in the underwater use pet slot amphibious pets can be placed in any slot.

On land, whether you are in a state of war, can pet switch to which only which only, as you choose! Reach the water from the land, will your pet slots automatically switch replaced a underwater pet slot, then you will be able to switch underwater pet-assisted fight you.

Ranger can capture the kind of pet, ostrich, alligator, grizzly bear, and so on, there is something for you....

Guild Wars 2 gold

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