Monday, December 10, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" compensation to begin issuing

Because the BUG the problem, a lot of players miss a special event for the Lost Shores, and was not able to get the final chest reward. A club in the last week promised to give some compensation to the part of the players, today began issuing reward through the mail in the form will be given to the players you see a chest in the mailbox after the on-line, including 20 grid in the chest parcel, a random jewelry, a random orange equipment, if you're lucky, may be out of the front of pink jewelery or legendary weapons. In addition, there are some players do not receive e-mail need not worry, because the works are time-consuming relatively large, you might just have had not received mail, please be patient handling.   Guild Wars 2 gold

In addition there are some players did not participate in the events of the Lost Shores is also possible to get the message.

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