Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fighting new era "Guild Wars 2" roll dodge demonstrate competitive charm

MMORPG games, competitive is one of the core gameplay is the best proof to show personal strength. Athletics divided into many types, but I think most like fighting, into a sense of fighting the most best embodies the fighting skills. In the network game, fighting began athletics are generally two sides to each other cast skills, playable point is not a lot. And "Guild Wars 2" fighting the subversive innovation, has added many new elements to make combat more exciting and full of suspense, more realistic!

Tumble dodge demonstrate athletic charm

"Guild Wars 2" groundbreaking introduction of the the battle roll-dodge function, regardless of whether the player in a state of war, can be in all directions, tumbling. This feature may seem relatively simple, but thanks to "Guild Wars 2" semi-locked battle mode, roll players battle to escape the attack of the enemy, and to occupy a favorable terrain for their own follow-up attack, and the players to play against, a greater role. When the enemy began to cast attack skills, you can use the tumbling rapidly leave the line of sight of each other even tumbling to the enemy behind, quickly attack the enemy by surprise. Can be said, tumble dodge function so that "fierce fighting" fighting more realistic, players can experience the thrill of battle and reality is no different, and highlight the competitive charm.

Skills enhancement, the combination of attack

"Class skills in Guild Wars 2" is not set in stone, by fighting the environmental impact, and can be combined. Skills portfolio includes two important parts: Start technology and finishing moves. Technology to establish the combination, starting and finishing moves to end. Almost all weapons have a similar set of starting skills and finishing moves, regardless of what class or choose which skills the explorers, and have the opportunity to discover and launch a combination of skills. For example, your teammates elements release a flame on the ground, as a ranger you, this time shot bows and arrows through the firewall can be turned into a rocket, an even greater threat. Combination class skills, skills can be strengthened, broke out in greater power.

A row skill bar, five major types of skills

Ten skills plaid, contains five types of the primary weapon skills, secondary weapon skills, treatment skills, generic skills and rare skills, at the same time, different weapons corresponding to all the different skills, generic skills and elite skills can pick your own and replace, in different scene and a different case with different skill sets, and a variety of rich gameplay!

"Guild Wars 2" is an explorer's paradise, is also a competitive decisive shrine. Please show your athletic prowess, writing fighting new epic "Guild Wars 2"!   Guild Wars 2 gold

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