Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Africa – Click and Support

    SOS is a fantastic charity that - every year - does a huge amount of great work in Africa, funding the education and care of underprivileged children. “Our Africa” is a project that sees kids across Africa making videos about what life is like through their eyes. It’s a fascinating project from a great charity, and RuneScape’s Video Production Team jumped at the chance to offer our support. Through our YouTube channel, we're getting our video community involved too.
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    So, for every one of you who subscribes to the official RuneScape YouTube channel from now until Christmas, the video team will donate 10¢ to SOS.

   To get involved, just subscribe to our YouTube channel. It won’t cost you a penny and, by doing so, you’ll contribute to SOS, as well as ensuring that you're the first to see all of our RuneScape videos.<a href="http://www.Runescape" title="Runescape Gold for sale">Runescape Gold</a> In case you’ve not been there before, the RuneScape YouTube Channel is home to all RuneScape video content, including our weekly Behind the Scenes videos, our live streams...and Mod Mac falling off a chair.

   For more information about the great work that SOS do, check out their website.

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