Tuesday, December 4, 2012

May replace Tier 10 heavy tank - 113

Here is some data introduced

-WZ-111-4/5 did not cut it as a Tier 10 Heavy so this will be it's replacement:

-WZ-111-4/5 will most likely be demoted to Tier 9 with possible buffs to gun and armor

-Couple more weeks of 8.2 Public Test

-113 Preliminary stats:

* Top frontal armor - 120mm @ 68 degrees

* Bottom frontal armor - TBD

* Turret armor - TBD

* Speed ??- 40-45kph

* Guns: M-62 and S-70 equivalent. Possible that M-62 equivalent will be the only option

- SerB's most favorite tank that is not released yet: Leo-1

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