Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kind of helpless-M6A2E1 harness experience

Alternative emergency product was born

By the D series tanks on the battlefield outstanding performance in May 1940, swept the impact of the whole of Western Europe, prompting the M-line armored forces and the Army Ordnance Board and quickly established a heavy tank T1 standard. As in the development of heavy tanks, the M series has begun production M3/M5 of light, M3/M4 medium tanks, in order not to make the the T1 development impact and diversify existing tank production, and therefore decided to adopt the same structure and host to the production of a prototype car. M Series tank design thinking D Series S Series and other countries lag far behind the research and experimental work has been intermittently continued until 1944.

After several rounds of evaluation, the usefulness of the monster eventually produced only a few a few more. And when the time into July, in the face of the powerful King Tiger tanks, M Department of the Army urgent need to be able to confront tanks. Therefore plans emergency modification 15 T1 improved M6A2 facelift a 105 mm high-speed 60 times the diameter of the tank gun, and plans to call this M6A2E1, and weight up to 77 tons, even more than the King Tiger heavy tank sent to the battlefields of Europe and the tiger king contest. However, the rapid development of the situation of the war, this plan was abandoned. Until December 1944, the European war victory has been set. M6 series of this new production of the old-fashioned weapons to completely abandon even the battlefield are not into the painting rests on its short life.

And in the game, I believe there will be a lot of the M series of players that tall body T1 and M6 series was very silent. Huge tall body meant to be playing the area. Such a simple question, Is the tank designers are an idiot? What makes this series of designers to design so extremely uncoordinated tanks? The reason for such a design, during World War II, in order to facilitate the transport of trains and ships, the M series Army on a variety of vehicles width stringent restrictions. Therefore, M6 series of vehicle width is the width of the maximum limit keep shooting stability can be achieved under the premise. The M6 ??series M4 Sherman series of the same "rounded" defects. Vehicle width limits, then had to make a fuss about the vehicle height.

Through the history, we can easily see whether the type of early T1, or follow the M6 ??series are not suitable for the product of compromise of the various limitations of the development of heavy tanks. Obviously, compared to the S series and D series, M series designers too restrictive design ideas, plus a variety of restrictions, to come up with such a heavy tank, is not so surprising.

M6A2E1 advantages and disadvantages of resolution

Combination of the M6A2E1 equipment configuration, I analyze the advantages and disadvantages from the following aspects.

1, protection: body turret front armor are 191mm, as an eight-gold car, armored indicators in paper-based data has gone beyond the vast majority of nine tanks, close to ten armored tanks indicators. After all, the front of the vehicle of the D series E75 160mm, mice and E100 were only 200mm thickness. Of course, in the protection capability, M6A2E1 slightly small angle of inclination of the naked eye can not be seen, but the large angle of tilt of the nine and ten tanks, armored or superior. The same level eight gold car the tank frontal protection ability is definitely in the first row, basically immune 200 penetration depth following artillery. Ridiculous rear turret armor than the positive but also thick, 191mm than 208mm the rear counterweight relationships have strengthened in order to install a 105 mm artillery.

2, Firepower: 105 mm 60 caliber artillery, equipment Ramming machine can reach 10.26 seconds / one rate of fire, no teammates. Shooting speed can be shoulder to shoulder with the same configuration lion, is a higher rate of fire of eight gold heavy tanks. 320 average damage consistent with the Lions, so the injury is not prominent. .42 Precise 2.3 target speed indicates that this is a shells spread wider range targeting faster artillery. The mobile expansion ring is still in barely acceptable range, but mounted on the vertical stabilizer is recommended.

3, the depth of penetration: 198 average penetration depth, up to the current version (0.8.1) in fourth place, lower than the 175 series of penetrating deep gold car, belonging to neither high nor bottom of the hierarchy. T34 a class breakdown Lions approximate vehicle armor protection can be said that the same level of eight vehicles, there is no pressure, but for King Tiger front with a large angle of tilt angle protection such relatively difficult and depends on luck. For the breakdown of nine E75 etc. chariot. Frontal armor is very difficult. Are playing weak to fight the strong class.

4, Motor limit speed: 29 km / h, and 24 degrees of turning speed. But acceleration is very excellent, within a short time will be able to climb to 24km / h. The eight gold car straight line acceleration performance testing data obtained M6A2E1 10 seconds, an average speed of 27km / h, ranked all eight gold car 2 and WZ111 flat. But it is only the speed of 29km / h limit, which severely limits its strategic mobility. But good acceleration with equally good steering speed, or it has a very good tactical mobility.

In addition, in other areas:

1, M6A2E1 adjust too much room right weight the housing distribution level of the current version (0.8.1) 8-10 before 9-11;

2, M6A2E1 ammunition fee for AP1000 situation, HE680 situation, Beitan 60 rounds

3, M6A2E1 has a field of view of 380m, equivalent to Type 59.

4, M6A2E1 Up to the current version (0.8.1) in the M-series tanks tree can not view the detailed data.


Gold car is easy to use or not, as long as you can see its number in the game. Zheliang eight gold car M6A2E1 can not buy in the shops within the game, the M-series tanks tree can not be found in the detailed data, but players can still start through other channels. Most of the players are holding the vehicle coins tanks before players return to activities, played a certain performances obtained through the gift. Actual car coins sold considerably less tanks. 100 games have even started putting eight cars are difficult to have a see it. This is sufficient to show the the car eight gold coins vehicle status in the hearts of the players. I believe most of the players remember the tank is not because the the M6A2E1 has the advantages of the body with the front of the tall and Li Ting heavy armor, nor because this is of a lion T34KV5 the same level gold car, but the turret behind armored than positive The thickness of this ridiculous feature.

Similarly precisely because the M6A2E1 positive heavy armor, making its obvious armor protection advantages eight squad room. Whether the use of bunker or rely on his teammates, able to find a method that effectively cover the flank, M6A2E1 offensive / defensive weapon. At the same time, good acceleration and turning speed for tactical maneuvering by points. But lose flank cover, M6A2E1 weak 44mm side armor even the four cars can easily breakdown.

High grade nine, ten rooms, M6A2E1 armor advantage will be weakened. Nearly vertical 191mm protective capacity simply can not be compared with large tilt angle of the luxury cars armored. Plus tall body vulnerable side so that every time the gun are M6A2E1. While the the M6A2E1 equipment of 198 to wear deep 320 hurt artillery and luxury cars can not form an effective deterrent effect, so many luxury cars rushing eat M6A2E1 a gun, even if the breakdown, it will not feel how painful, contrary M6A2E1 too much. Therefore, in the eyes of the chariot of the kind of high-grade, M6A2E1 is the most fat piece of meat, often surrounded them and forced eaten.

If the M6A2E1 do hit the long-range combat, then? 105 mm 60 times the diameter of the artillery accuracy of only .42, the contrast T34 .35 accuracy. Therefore, once the target is too far away, basically unable to grasp the impact point of the shells, unless it is targeting fixed point for a long time. Who stopped motionless but the actual fighting people playing it? Erratic placement definitely makes a veteran crazy distance how to fight not hit who can not tolerate.

Flattening out of the embarrassment in the Superior Room, great to be playing the area, coupled with the associate head poor is not conducive to illegal guns guns into Room 10 of the housing allocation rights, and the general revenue, this has led to more closely tied to the M6A2E1 front-line play and a high level of opponent. Coupled with excessive battle damage than car repairs, which leads to a the pleasure less and earn less than the number of silver coins. Therefore, the M6A2E1 few people sought after is not so strange.

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