Friday, November 30, 2012

Fighting with no limit, "Guild Wars 2" skills collocation at will

"Guild Wars 2" with its core philosophy of "innovation" as the foundation, to show people the many new game features a brand new feeling. In most games, the occupation with a tendency to focus on the "iron triangle" that output, human shields, treatment of co-ordination among the three occupational test is the order of convergence of various vocational skills. "Guild Wars 2", which has been completely subverted.

Skills enhancement, the combination of attack

Vocational skills in Guild Wars 2 "is not set in stone, by fighting the environmental impact, and can be combined. Skills portfolio includes two important parts: Start technology and finishing moves. Technology to establish the combination, starting and finishing moves to end. Almost all weapons have a similar set of starting techniques and finishing moves, regardless of what kind of career to choose which skills the explorers will have the opportunity to find and launch combos. For example, your teammates elements release a flame on the ground, as a ranger you, this time shot bows and arrows through the firewall can be turned into a rocket, an even greater threat. The combination of vocational skills, skills can be strengthened, broke out in greater power.

Let life-saving "the world feel warmth of Guild Wars 2"

"Guild Wars 2" game is no special treatment of occupational Correspondingly, each class has its own exclusive treatment skills, and bid farewell to the traditional human shields, therapy plus the output of the iron triangle with favor into various class bear the vacant position on the battlefield, mage or warrior, can become the output, or take damage.  Guild Wars 2 gold

A row skill bar, five major types of skills

10 skills plaid, contains the main hand weapon skills, the offhand weapon skills, five types of treatment skills, generic skills and elite skills at the same time, different weapons corresponding to all the different skills, generic skills and elite skills can pick your own and replace in different scenes and different circumstances, different skill sets, and a variety of rich gameplay!

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