Thursday, December 6, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Features backpack system

Tyria world, the backpack is an integral part of the adventure, With it, you can save your expedition supplies can store your equipment, materials, medicine, and other adventure everything you need to rely on it , can be said to leave it, we will be unable to move.

Carry explorer For Tyria explorers, supplies, of course, the better, but the backpack is limited, how to use the backpack to maximize storage space? "Guild Wars 2" Features backpack system perfectly to do this point, the various types of materials are classified, and the specific characteristics of the particular goods backpack, can be described as the best use.

In the world of Guild Wars 2 ", a total of six kinds of backpacks.

Ordinary backpack:

4 cell pack (you can buy with 32 copper)

8 cell pack

20 cell pack

Ordinary backpack only provide a different number of goods space, "Guild Wars 2" special backpack with more features:

Special backpack:

Material package (8-20 cell, tailor made): just making materials will first be placed here.

Waterproof bag (8-20 cell, leather maker produced): just junk items will first be placed here.   Guild Wars 2 gold for sale

Steel backpack (8-20 cells, Armor maker produced) A casting division: newly acquired weapons and armor will first be placed here.

Well, from where to get these backpacks? Through four kinds:

1, the businessman at the purchase

2, playing a monster drop

3, personal story reward

4, tailoring, leather, cast A production

With these backpack, if properly utilized, material supply, why should we worry adventure? Enjoy to explore, to discover the mystery and vastness of Tyria's!

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