Thursday, December 13, 2012

The choice of toughness and dynamic


Although the title under very provocative, but in fact the text EHP (Effective HitPoints) theory of Guidance.

Because this Guidance in order to facilitate the interpretation of a lot of code is my own definition,

Please note possible, the same code is different things to see References.

"Guild Wars 2" equipment the attribute selection toughness with dynamic trade-offs

The article specify Condition Damage and Healing these two points is not considered,

Discussion Toughness what ratio to achieve maximum efficiency and Vitality interactive

And the conclusion is:

Only withstand direct damage, Armor * 10 = HP-effective.

Today, they only discuss the direct damage, not to discuss the Condition Damage.

But this time to cut, "Which of the qualities that the entire fight you withstand more damage?

Healing this part that is slightly import.

Look from the treatment Toughness:

(P + M * 35) * (WS/1000) * SC / (T + D) = TrueDamage

P = Power, M = Might Floors, WS = Weapon Strength, SC = skill coefficient, T = Toughness, D = Defense

This is harm formulas,

Is simply: Attack Power (AP) / Armor = Damage Taken (DT).

Therefore, the effectiveness of Toughness (Armor) is in accordance with the% enhance, rather than a fixed value.

Well actually affect the viability of it?

For instance,

Assuming a role in the original HP 15000, Armor for 2000,

At this time there are 500 points of the idle can choose to put into Vitality (Group A) or the Toughness (Group B),

Group A will be the HP 20000, Armor 2000

Group B will be HP 15000, Armor 2500

The DT = original maximum HP = 15000, AP = 15000x2000 = 30000000.

These take AP calculation,

Group A bear to hurt still 15,000 remaining 5000 HP

Group B bear to injury changed to 12000, the remaining 3000 HP.

At first glance Group B remaining HP less 2000 = less 200Vitalty.

Suppose this role alone 6 skills back to the blood, a 4,000 the HP

Can be treated in a certain period of time or through other techniques 4000HP.

Group A to be 4000 * 4 times treatment can be full of blood, overflows complement 1000

Group B to be 4000 * 3 times treatment can be full of blood, overflows with zeros.

You will find that stays Toughness has led to the ability to return to the blood not appear.

This is the continued battle force values ??to be discussed next EHP (Effective Hit Points).

What is EHP?

EHP is the total effective HP in a battle for the benchmark is to see "Max HP + effective treatment to bring HP

In this theory, 1 Vitality = 10 EHP,

Enhance continued combat capability because they can not in the long-term war, only opening more HP can be regarded as EHP.

So Toughness it?

To discuss the most important thing Toughness Ratio Damage Reduction, RR.

Damage Reduction Ratio:

Requirements Damage Reduction Ratio,

The assumption that the initial amount of Armor X amount of lift for Y; withstand the damage is divided into DTx with DTy.

RR = (DTx-DTy)] / DTx

= [AT / X - AT / (X + Y)] / (AT / X)

= 1 - X / (X + Y)

= Y / (X + Y) * If your Armor doubled, you bear the damage will just halved.

The Damage Reduction can be understood as the role of Max HP and effective treatment

So in fact bring the EHP effectiveness equal "(Max HP + effective treatment brought HP) / (1-RR)."

If effective treatment = 0, version of Friends calculated in Armor = (1/10) HP-effective

But as long as the higher the therapeutically effective amount, the higher Toughness benefits obtained.

Because Orange installed base armor (including the 916) is not very high, 100 points Toughness damage reduction:

Heavy armor base armor 2127, a 4.49% reduction.

The the A foundation Armor 1980, a 4.81% reduction.

Light Armor Basic Armor 1836, a 5.17% reduction.

With the basis of blood can calculate the effect of various occupations for 100 points Toughness

Formula for HP / (1-RR)-HP:

The Warrior: upgrade from basic HP 863.6 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.470HP.

The Guardians: upgrade from basic HP 507.9 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.470HP.

The Engineer: upgrade from basic HP 762.1 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.505HP.

The Ranger: upgrade from basic HP 762.1 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.505HP.

The thieves: upgrade from basic HP 545.9 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.505HP.

Necro: upgrade from basic HP 1001.6 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.545HP.

The Enchanter: upgrade from basic HP 822.2 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.545HP.

The elements make: upgrade from basic HP 589.0 HP, each to Vit additional to 0.545HP.


Toughness in the base HP with basic treatment has the status of a certain value,

Direct damage ability to protect themselves in the face of long-term war will not appear the lost Vitailty case

Only such spell spike, or unable to resist the next

Will battle without a certain amount of treatment effectiveness and Vitailty.

Q & A column:

Q: Toughness will certainly than Vitality okay?

A: The answer is not necessarily, but the premise is:

A battle in a certain amount of a therapeutic.

Copy of, PVP or WvW of fighting, the treatment is often occupy a certain proportion

Probably the only wild explore, without dependence treatment upgrade process, better able to fight the outbreak.

Traps fixed damage.

Traps that are often dependent reaction of players, and multi-copy, not to be too doubts.

3.Condition Damage.

Face direct harm, Toughness is certainly better than Vitality, but Condition Damage is not.

Although glad Condition Damage in PVE mostly can be avoided or quick out of the solution,

But in PVP or WvW there is likely to face difficult to prevent skills enough solutions

This time may not be as Vitality Toughness is really a.

Q: Can you talk about the Healing Power benefits you?

A: Healing Power Overall delve altruistic properties, often with the effect of group therapy will think it is worth.

Effective for self-protection was not as good as Vitailty or Toughness.

Methylethyl group examples cited above, the majority of the techniques and treatment skills growth coefficient is 1:1,

1000Healing Power, rely on technology can more than make up 1000HP

Group A brace Vitality can enhance 10000HP, equal to at least 10 times before it has to pay for the benefits of the same HP

Overflow complement, spike may also want to consider the case.

Group B, but in this example in disguise enhance the 1/3 of the maximum HP with therapeutic dose, equivalent to 500 Vitality +1200 Healing.

Q: I was the main copy of Deathly Hallows, so I fully red Toughness?

A: On the current experience, a lot of monsters AI because you Armor hatred coefficient is also high,

Like COF2 line tail king liked to chase anti highest figures sometimes can not hold on to the king because the defense force drop too much.

Also includes distance, maximum HP, injury coverage, the amount of damage, treatment teammate elements

Based on tactical considerations,

If you do not want to always be the monster close fight, do not rush too much Toughness.  Guild Wars 2 gold

Q: It would appear that the guardian who stays Toughness significantly worse than other professions?

A: Guardian skills characteristics quite a lot of blood back means, as well as a more stable source initiative Protection

Stays Toughness can still let you in the battle to get more EHP.

Not to mention the OP's Signet of Judgment

Sent directly to you 10% damage reduction ... even relief Condition Damage, and can be stacked with Protection.

The next time you see take a sledgehammer + Signet of Judgment (crest), the Guardian,

Do not waste time with him close to the war, and even singled close battle.  GW2 gold

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