Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Alternative Raiders: 1.0.5 loot choose

Basic theory

Above the Purgatory MP1 difficulty, all monsters promoted 63 items generated affixes decision by the monster level, purgatory MP1 all items generate 63 affixes (attributes).

The yellow magic items can have up to six affix, affix chance is determined by the MF value. That item level ILVL what's the use? Based on different attributes, such as the base DPS is 275.6-285.4 of 63 arc month ax, and the basis of 62 iron ax DPS is 238.6-246.4. If the armor is the basis of defense, jewelry is a special case, there is no basis for properties.

Supplement on weapons: 1.0.4 update has made iLv61 the 62 injury affixes reach iLv63 level, 1.0.5 MP1 all affixes have reached 63, but the base damage and damage affixes to form the final injury with 63 weapons compared The gap between the base damage. So I do not recommend playing MP0 difficulty.

Pickup Raiders

1.0.5 efficiency above all else, and yellow items off rate is a substantial increase in the premise, we must item pickup have a choice. First of all, the general direction is only picking up the legend and yellow equipment, the rest of the things are not picking yellow items not recommended for all picking up, and then focus on the detailed analysis of yellow items. The yellow items pickup recommended value out of 10 points.

Head (Recommended value: 2)

This part of the legendary items too much too strong, and five professional suite has a helmet, more Twilight, security head, crow dark gold, you yellow items and then random nor attack speed, so I do not recommend pickup.

Shoulder (recommended value: 3)

This site is a dominant, is legendary items ward off evil and shoulder armor, fixed attributes of this legendary items and excellent unique attribute is the maximum of the main attributes of 300 caps, yellow items only force goes to 300.

Body (recommended value: 3)

With head.

The wrist (Recommended value: 6 points)

This site is close to a dominant. Legendary items La Kuni Stalker, fixed property is also unique to only two valuable attributes, attack speed and movement speed, left three random attributes. And yellow items can have six attributes wrist valuable property: critical chance, the main attributes, physical fitness, the whole anti-attacks, MF yellow items worth fighting.

Gloves (recommended value: 10 points)

Legendary aspects the only barbarians suit gloves can look, strength, critical chance and melee relief injury three fixed valuable attributes, but left two random properties. The valuable properties of the gloves: critical chance, critical damage, attack speed, the main attributes, all anti-aggressive, physical, etc. this site is absolutely dominated by yellow fitted.

Belt (recommended value: 0)

Many legendary victory. The strongest witch different moments and immortal belt.

Pants (recommended value: 7)

Three legendary analyze: Inner's pants, the pants of the highest attacks on property, but the defense can not; abyss pants physical only goes to 200; pair of black trousers, attributes not enough. Pants valuable property: 2-hole, 200 main attributes ceiling, 300 physical upper limit, the whole anti-attacks, the yellow loading can have.

Shoes (recommended value: 0)

Many legendary victory.

Necklace (recommended value: 9)

The legendary aspects basically only tarascha can talk about not recommend black thorns. But tarascha can not have both critical chance, attack speed, critical damage, high main attribute, the whole anti-attacks, physical.

Ring (recommended value: 8)

The legendary main the Hellfire SOJ, Manajuma's, Inner's. Very powerful, but at the same time has a 3-tapping, high main attributes physical, anti-aggressive Seaview diamond ring yellow fitted only!

Deputy (recommended value: 1)

Quiver, are legendary victory. 1 minute to shield it ......

Hands and arms (recommended value: 2)

2 points to 63 bows and crossbows.

One-handed weapon (recommended value: 7)

The legend is very fierce, but because of the great demand, 63 yellow loading can pick up less than 63 even. The reason to look at the basic theory. Of course, a lot of players 61, 62 can Seaview, I admit, but I have to state that the probability of more than 63 low.

The retinue dedicated (recommended value: 4 points)

This stuff was bought in AH, a top also several million diablo 3 gold.

In summary, the yellow items recommended picking up more than 6 points!


This post is only recommended to pick up, picking up this, do not pick up that. The occupations for reference, you can refer to this post to make its own reasonable trade-off based on your efficiency and wealth.

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