Thursday, November 22, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" Elementalist wand skills

Staff skills element enables:

Element divided into four elements of fire and water endemic

Water Magic:

Skill 1: Water Blast

The enemy jet stream of water, while the treatment of allies within the current rush.

Skills 2: Ice Spike

A huge ice fall to the enemy, cause vulnerable symptoms.

Skills 3: Geyser

Summon a fountain in the treatment of peripheral allies.

Skills 4: Frozen Ground

The target area is covered with a layer of ice, freezing enemies inside.

Skills 5: Healing Rain

Summons a Healing Rain to bring regeneration gift for allies and once every three seconds to remove symptoms in the target area.

Fire Magic:

Skill 1: Fireball

Cast a fireball thrown target collision after the explosion and the fight against multiple enemies.

Skills 2: Lava Font

Lava Burst manufactured within the target area.

Skills 3: Flame Burst

Scorch the enemy within the target area.

Skills 4: Burning Retreat

Fast backward roll, leaving a flame burning the enemy on the ground.

Skills 5: Meteor Shower

Summon a meteor shower in the target area.

Air Magic:

Skill 1: Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning hit multiple enemies.

Skills 2: Lightning Surge

Charge a lightning surging around your target enemy blind startup.

Skills 3: Gust

An explosive winds back to repel the enemy.

Skills 4: Windborne Speed

Obtain the Swift and remove you and your allies around crippled, the body, and freezing.

Skills 5: Static Field

Create an electrostatic field, so that the enemy through the coma.

Earth Magic:

Skill 1: Stoning

Hurled a stone at the enemy, and make it weak.

Skills 2: Eruption

Eruption tremor the earth, so that the fight against the enemy.

Skills 3: Magnetic Aura

Land magnetic rebound projectiles.

Skills 4: Unsteady Ground

The ground constantly shaking, disability all through the enemy.

Skills 5: Shockwave

Manufacturing a Sasser, to make the target enemy bloodshed and set the body.

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