Friday, November 2, 2012

Not only burst mode in CF, but also in DNF

Combat name: leak

Time: December 2012

Location: Northrop horses Island

Task types: burst mode

Task object: viral culture chamber, viruses finished

Story: Hondo Army finally adventurer help recover lost ground, but far from Northrop horses in the north pieces mainland Royal Island (a small piece of floating at the Royal Northern continent. Wealthy heaven live areas. Cutler made this virus came easy to Dan and Huang defense attack from lawless areas, very peaceful here.) rumors. Royal Army ordered this investigation, Callert traces found in a nursing home. Do nursing homes and Callert of relationship? Time can not think, we need to investigate this nursing home as soon as possible, where the Royal Army have found a sinister conspiracy! Original Callert virus with a lot of culture here ready to use germ warfare to win the war, if a large number of such weapons to the battlefield is bound to cause massive casualties Royal for political pressure not to send a large number of military forces, and finally decided to send the elite group 702 went to the nursing home to destroy the virus factory.

The play introduced: the battle begins, the player can choose player vs computer or PVP.

Player VS Player

Both players can use the skills:

Royal Army:

Six skills can use mobile (anti-tank guns (cooling 3 seconds) Gatling gun (4 seconds cooling, no puncture effect) G-14 grenades (8 seconds cooling off five grenades in different directions all throwing out) shooting 12 seconds (cooling) Neil sniper (cool for 15 seconds, only 1 hair) and air support (cooling 40 seconds, not small robot) Royal Army's default weapon is a rifle (can not use the Z key skills and jumping)


Skills can use 6 grenades (cooling 3 seconds Grenadiers reference Ghent defensive warfare, filling faster) machine-gunned four seconds (cooling, reference Ghent defensive warfare Marines), grenades (cooling 8 seconds commando long left Lun, reference Ghent North Gate), Rapid Shot (Cooldown 12 seconds reference Mei Longge coquettish to walk), sniper (cooling 15 seconds, reference snipers YingQuan) force support (to cool for 40 seconds, reference defensive warfare support soldiers), Royal army garrison can not use the Z key and jumping. The default weapon is a knife, speed to Mengchuo enemy abdomen (the peripheral reference Ghent's elite blame), but no tyrants body.

Player VS Computer

A maximum of 4 players. The way to win: Destroy all enemies or use the bomb to destroy the virus culture chamber, the virus finished.

Enemy type:


Two types, heavy the spy type and semi-automatic spy type. Re-type spy: the use of destructive sniper rifle, can cause fatal injuries to players, to be careful of his sniper. Type of semi-automatic spy: the power of relatively large heavy spy-type, but also pay attention to, because it is a continuous shooting, is hit hard to escape.


The experts use rifles and grenades, Pa body is very large, medium attack power reference Mellon and the commandos left Lun.


Medic here is no longer being trampled upon the experience of the book, at close range can use the powerful pacemaker, the entry of a sense of power state for a long time the players will hit the high injury brought a sense of power and HP recovery treatment to the enemy. The use remote skills eradication a melee attack immune.

The scout:

Speed, attack power is relatively low, the use of a knife and a pistol. Knife very fast with the chance of bleeding. Hit players will fall into the stiff state for a long time, no teammates to support may Chuosi to. Pistol Reference timid Capers, the number of the enemy 20.

Rule description:

Player VS Player mode: the players will force to become Callert and Hondo Army

Maximum support 5V5. FPS shooter blasting different modes the DNF of C4 bombs are not randomly selected players, but fall to pick up by the players on the map. C4 is a form of consumables, the only one, and can only be specified bursting point (C4 consumables shortcut bar appears, press the right mouse button or press the shortcut bar number keys can be placed). The explosion time is 40 seconds, C4 (close to C4 X) can be purchased through the mall Bomb clamp accelerated dismantling C4 Callert can be removed within seven seconds. In addition to the normal score (kill the enemy for ordinary score), but also added the other two scores.

Defensive score (removal of C4 can get defensive score)

Offensive score (placed C4 explosions can get offensive points).

In this mode, you can not use consumables, recovery Wizard random map. Another map is interconnected, unlike the brush map as to destroy the enemy in order to go to the next map. The C4 will drop after the death of a teammate hold C4 picked up by his teammates on the map.

Player VS Computer: players do not become Hondo Army

And Player VS Player of rules, but there is no defense to score.

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