Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guild Wars 2 Halloween the secret corn sugar value amazing

Reddit on the Guild Wars 2 players ChickenInMyCastle, recently purchased a gemstone Personalized Trick-or-Treat (Halloween candy bag) a calculation would have wanted to see the cash used to buy will not bargain at a little, and he got a Let answer surprised with a look:

When I read some articles on the bag of candy Reddit above, I realized something. A lot of people to this thing as gambling is a low-cost, put some gems, and then obtain some of the materials and equipment. At first I think this is no big deal, I recently read some articles about these practices, I realize that this may be an unscientific way.

First: Let us introduce an equation, this equation may movements over time around.

A corn sugar = 6 copper

100 gem = 60 silver and 73 bronze (The above exchange rates from

An active 750 gem can buy 35 candy bags ToT (personalized trick-or-treat bags). $ 9.38 you can buy 35. Well, let me put $ 9.38 conversion into gold? Let's count:

$ 9.38 = 4 GW2 Gold 55 silver and 71 bronze

4 Guild Wars 2 Gold 55 Silver 71 Copper / 6 copper = 7595 CC (Candy corns corn sugar)

7595 CC / (50CC / 8 Ge ToT TOT) = 1215

Like the above calculation as A community made ??a big mistake. This makes the CC's value can be used as currency.

If I calculated wrong, please forgive me, my math is not good.

If you have a lot of corn sugar, you can use them to replace the TOT, which can save you a lot of space. At the same time, you can also save a sum of gemstones.

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