Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"GW2" MagicFind playing gems stream equipment raiders

Preface: the main purpose of this article, is the new general players do not have to worry about the things equipped; before LV80 can by playing treasure installed accumulate some Guild Wars 2 gold.

Guild Wars 2 is a great diversity of equipment, property can be used with more hundreds of runes and gemstones, novice players just entering the game takes a long time to think about their own characteristics and mix of skills, the mix of this article is based on Magic Find this property go on with the Diablo players have played on this property must not strange, that is, to increase the chance to find magic props from monsters, magic props definitions about above items containing blue, blue, weapons, armor, gems , production of materials, put on the play treasure installed allows faster accumulation of these props, is simply allows you to make money more quickly, the bottom of the list is the general common game play treasure filled with prefix the composition and distribution of grades, special weapons (weapons name Magic Find property) is not listed in the following props can be obtained by auction or professionally produced and fight monsters.

That equipment to play treasure fitted best with what characteristics?! Can be seen by the following list of props Pillaging Explorer's series are mainly to Power, Precision, so you can match the flow characteristics of direct injury, 60 via Daguai after Traveler's series based on the Power, Condition Damage mainly with state stream. The drawback is playing treasure filled values ??the addition compared at the same level prefix less equipment, and there is no physical addition of the blood and the defense will be relatively weak, the characteristics can also move in this regard to reinforcing.

The next step is to approximate the facelift process, it is recommended that novice players to explore the map during the game carry up two of the same grade range map, for example, 1 to 15 run 2, 15 to 25 ran two and so on, Such benefits can be collected more material, and can play some more blue making material to accumulate money also can get more appearance converted stone, will not be red too fast the strange level is too high and hit less Activity of the case.

Facelift process:

LV1 ~ 14:

Novice casually wear equipment the Daguai hit the equipment, got to 14 should be no problem, 6 If you did not hit the weapons to the auction to buy a six Blue Wu, available to 14, 10 when the auction to buy jewelry plus physical Earrings * Rings * more than 2 points of blood less likely to die.

Food Pairing:

Bowl of Apple Sauce (LV0 Magic Find 4% Exp10% 30 points)

Blueberry tart (LV5 Magic the Find 4% Exp10% 30 points)

LV14 ~ 25:

14 can be put on the weapons, armor green containers until 25, the middle hit 20 green containers can replace up here two get it is to shoot the store to buy a set, the second option is to Diessa Plateau This map can be reached from the main city of the Shire, one outside the city love the task to clear the road of mines, finished NPC will sell the entire green containers about 2XXX Kama day now daily accomplishments solution END have to send a bottle the Kama beverage to drink it with 2500 points (it seems), should be enough to change, to plug for the green containers after Rune.

The main weapon: Minor the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Cooper Doubloon

Armor: Minor Rune of the Scavenging * Minor Rune of the Pirate * Minor Rune of the Traveler, * 2

Jewelry: Cooper Doubloon level 20 necklace: Sunstone Nugget

Food Pairing:

Of Strawberries and Biscuts (LV15 Magic the Find 10% Exp10% 30 points)

LV25, 35,40:

25 wear first treasure installed, auction purchase Pillaging the series will be cheaper than to produce their own weapons, underwater weapons and armor, jewelry all replaced. Rune mix with LV14 ~ 25, when the level reaches 35, the first two options put 35 the Pillaging Series yellow loading reaches 50. (Note 1) The second is I got to 40 and then put on the the Pillaging series 40 blue outfit. (Note 2) when the level reaches 30, remember to change eating the Chocolate Cherry can add a lot of playing treasure rate, originally posted on 14 green fitted Rune rune effects are transferred to the new equipment designed to change the stone by the appearance of on, you can save the money to buy a Rune to open the map should get a lot of the appearance of converted stone jewelry bought slot has bundled gem so there will be no need for an extra insert gems to reach 35 may be replaced by Green the Pillaging series of jewelry, 35 to auction purchased new back decorated Ghostly spineguard.

Quite excellent (Note 1): 35 yellow weapon, yellow weapon defense-values ??can be used directly on the 50 for-yellow equipment directly, shortcomings can not be installed on a 39 play treasure Rune group, a lot of the addition of 39.

(Note 2): 40 blue weapon, blue weapon defense-values ??lower than 35 yellow weapon, yellow weapon defense but can hold 39 to play treasure Rune group.

LV25 (Blue): The main weapon: Minor the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Sunstone Nugget

LV25 (Blue): Armor: Minor Rune of the Scavenging Minor Rune of the Pirate, Minor Rune of the Traveler,

LV35 (Yellow) (Green): The main weapon: Minor the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Sunstone Lump

The LV35 (Yellow) (Green): Armor: Minor Rune of the Scavenging, Minor Rune of the Pirate, Minor Rune of the Traveler,

The the LV40 (blue) primary weapon: Major the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Sunstone Lump

The LV40 (Blue) Armor: Major Rune of the Pirate * 2, Major Rune of the Traveler * 4

Food Pairing:

Of Strawberries and Biscuts (LV15 Magic the Find 10% Exp10% 30 points)

Chocolate Cherry (LV30 Magic Find 24% Exp10% 30 points)


Level to reach 50 additional money directly to purchase the Pillaging Series Yellow mounted directly to wear 65, the money is optional green containers, acquired 50 green jewelry purchased gem: Omate Opal Jewel comes with original accessories only Magic Find (1%), Omate Opal Jewel Magic Find (3%) so remember to put on.

The LV50 (yellow) (green) main weapon: Major the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Opal Shard or Seal of the Traveler,

The LV50 (Yellow) (Green) Armor: Major Rune of the Pirate * 2, Major Rune of the Traveler, * 4

Food Pairing:

Chocolate Orange (LV45 Magic the Find 28% of Exp10% 30 points)


65 in accordance with the personal hi select Explorer's or Traveler's series equipment, such as the economic take election yellow loading can be used directly on 80 jewelry selection of green to the original slot is strongly recommended to provide Magic the Find (3%) without additional replacement.

The LV65 (yellow) (green) main weapon: Superior the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Opal Crystal or Medallion of the Traveler,

The LV65 (Yellow) (Green) Armor: Superior Rune of the Pirate * 5 Major Rune of the Traveler, * 1

Food Pairing:

Chocolate Orange (LV45 Magic Find 28% of Exp10% 30 points)


Wear to play treasure installed 80 continue to make money again to study the properties they want installed, available cheap and practical Explorer's series yellow fitted, 60 Rune price is not low, it is recommended to the mall to acquire a group of Black Lion dismantling tool 100% Remove Rune, Rune removed over 80 equipment 80 equipment to use the appearance of converted stone conversion Rune group must use the mall can turn to the auction to acquire new The back of the Traveler, decorated the Wayfarer's spineguard plug Crest.

The LV80 (yellow) (green) primary weapon: Superior the Sigil of Luck, Vice weapons and underwater weapons: Opal Orb or Crest of the Traveler, the LV80

The LV80 (Yellow) (Green) Armor: Superior Rune of the Pirate * 5 Major Rune of the Traveler, * 1

Food Pairing:

Chocolate Orange (LV45 Magic Find 28% of Exp10% 30 points)

Above equipped are relatively cheap fitted no pursuit of the ultimate, such as the pursuit of the ultimate reference the following list to find the maximum match, I practiced a lot only trumpet practice in this fitted up process as long as the replacement of several equipment like, I got to 80 can also have a small savings.

Pillaging Series

Weapons and armor:

The LV25 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%)

The LV35 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Magic Find (1%)

The LV40 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%)

The LV50 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Magic Find (1%)

Pillaging production: melee weapons, long-range weapons, tailors, leather armor, made stick

LV25 (blue): (making Level: 75) (blue substrate: Small Claw * 3)

The LV35 (green): (Production Level: 125) (blue substrate: Small Claw * 8)

The LV35 (yellow): (Production Level: 125) (blue substrate: Small Claw * 15)

The LV40 (Blue): (Production Level: 150) (blue substrate: Claw * 3)

The LV50 (green): (Production Level: 200) (blue base material: Claw * 8)

The LV50 (yellow): (Production Level: 200) (blue substrate: Claw * 15)

Explorer's Series

Weapons and armor:

The LV60 (blue): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

The LV65 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

The LV75 (blue): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

LV80 (Orange) (Yellow) (Green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

Explorer's production: melee weapons, long-range weapons, tailors, leather armor, made stick

The LV60 (Blue): (Production Level: 250) (blue substrate: Sharp Claw * 3)

The LV65 (green): (Production Level: 275) (blue base material: Sharp Claw * 8)

The LV65 (yellow): (Production Level: 275) (blue substrate: Sharp Claw * 15)

LV75 (blue): (making Level: 325) (blue substrate: Large Claw * 3)

The LV80 (green): (Production Level: 350) (the blue substrate: Large Claw * 8)

The LV80 (yellow): (Production Level: 375) (the blue substrate: Large Claw * 15)

The LV80 (Orange): (Production Level: 400) (the blue substrate: Vicious Claw * 5)


Sunstone Pillaging series

LV25 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%) slot: Power, Magic Find (1%)

Slot the the LV35 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Magic Find (1%): Power, Magic Find (1%)

LV40 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%) slot: Power, Magic Find (1%)

Slot the the LV50 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Magic Find (1%): Power, Magic Find (1%)


Opal Explorer Series

LV60 (blue): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) slot: Power, Precision, Magic Find (2%)

The LV65 (Yellow) (Green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) slot: Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

LV75 (blue): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) slot: Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%)

LV80 (Orange) (Yellow) (Green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) slot: Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (Orange 4%)

Back jewelry

Ghostly spineguard

LV35 (green): Power, Magic Find (3%) slot: Power, Magic Find (1%)

Back jewelry

Wayfarer's spineguard

The LV80 (green) (yellow): Toughness, Vitality, Magic Find (3) Slot: None


Sunstone Nugget:

LV20 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%) (all equipment to be set)

Intricate Sunstone Jewel:

The LV20 (green): Power, Magic Find (1%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Embellished Intricate Sunstone Jewel:

The LV20 (yellow): Power, Magic Find (1%) (only jewelry can be inlaid)

Sunstone Lump:

LV35 (blue): Power, Magic Find (1%) (all equipment to be set)

Gilded Sunstone Jewel:

The LV35 (green): Power, Magic Find (1%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Embellished Gilded Sunstone Jewel:

The LV35 (yellow): Power, Magic Find (1%) (only jewelry can be inlaid)

Opal Shard:

LV50 (blue): Power, Precision, Magic Find (2%) (all equipment to be set)

Omate Opal Jewel:

LV50 (green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Embellished Omate Opal Jewel:

The LV50 (yellow): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Opal Crystal:

LV65 (green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (all equipment to be set)

Brilliant Opal Jewel:

LV65 (green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Embellished Brilliant Opal Jewel:

The LV65 (yellow): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (only jewelry inlaid)

Opal Orb:

LV80 (yellow): Power, Precision, Magic Find (3%) (all equipment to be set)

Exquisite Opal Jewel:

LV80 (orange): Power, Precision, Magic Find (4%) (only jewelry could be set)

Weapon runes:

Minor the Sigil of Luck: LV0, (yellow): Magic Find (0.2%) of the maximum stack of 25 layers

Major the Sigil of Luck: the LV39 (yellow): Magic Find (0.4%) of the maximum stack of 25 layers

Superior the Sigil of Luck: the LV60 (Orange): Magic Find (0.6%) of the maximum stack of 25 layers

Armor Rune:

Minor Rune of the Scavenging: LV0, (Green): (1) Magic Find (3%)

Minor Rune of the Pirate: LV0, (Green): (1) Magic Find (5%)

Major Rune of the Pirate: LV39 (yellow): (1) Magic Find (7%), (3) Magic Find (13%)

Superior Rune of the Pirate: the LV60 (orange): (1) Magic Find (10%), (3) Magic Find (15%), (5) Magic Find (25%)

Minor Rune of the Traveler,: LV0, (Green): (1) Magic Find (5%)

Major Rune of the Traveler: LV39 (yellow): (1) Magic Find (7%), (3) Magic Find (13%)

Superior Rune of the Traveler,: the LV60 (orange): (1) Magic Find (10%), (3) Magic Find (15%), (5) Magic Find (25%)

General Rune:

Seal of the Traveler,: LV50 (green): Power, Precision, Magic Find (2%)

Medallion of the Traveler,: LV65 (green): Power, Precision, Magic the Find (3%)

Crest of the Traveler,: the LV80 (yellow): Power, Precision, Magic the Find (3%)

Traveler's Series


The LV60 (yellow): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV61 (blue): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

LV62 (Orange) (Green): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV66 (blue): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV67 (yellow): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV68 (green): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV70 (orange): Power Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)

The LV71 (blue): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

LV74 (Yellow) (Green): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV76 (blue): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV78 (orange): Power Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)

LV80 (Orange) (Yellow) (Green) (Blue): Power, Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)


The LV72 (yellow): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV75 (orange): Power Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)

The LV79 (yellow): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)

The LV80 (yellow): Power Condition Damage, Magic Find (3%)


The LV75 (orange): Power Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)

The LV80 (orange): Power Condition Damage Magic Find (3%)

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