Saturday, November 24, 2012

World of Tanks 10 alternative point of view, so you refreshing

1. For TD, camouflage important firepower important, before methyl important, important to vision, maneuvering and steering important, but the most important is the distance.

Effective distance, maybe you can only play one shot.

Please do not cite those alternative TD turret TD D, no turret TD is T. Currently less shelling World T multi-D.

2. For artillery, damage is important, hit is important, but the most important is surviving consciousness.

View: extended drawn artillery surviving rate, winning is definitely not low, surviving low, the winning never high standard? Anchored it to 40%. Not to mention the artillery did not die of course, would win such nonsense, this is not the same thing.

3. High output equal to the high returns, also equal to the high-risk.

While many of my friends do not recognize, but the outcome of the income does not directly related to, as long as you output high enough, absolute high income.

The high output also should face a high risk, high output usually only two end First you meritorious, you reversed the situation of the war; you going lost.

4. Only brush first win may not be able to reduce the winning, but only brush first defeat must enhance winning

If a car, I am the third inning, then I only played its first victory of the car this time winning percentage is 33%;

But what if the only brush for the first time failure?

5. Skills are used to wash

Here or for the first three skills, but also for the silver washing skills, the gold wash skills Tyrant can disregard

Dissatisfied with the skills of 100% can not be in effect, from 1% to 99% during the period, mean that you do not have skills reset skills really amazing. .

I love to repair, I love the camouflage, I love the veterans.

6. Base was occupied by more than two highest attack occupation progress Yes, but only Yang boiling soup and killed blood lowest or most easily killed that is the root of the problem.

Three occupation, more than 33 seconds, the two occupation takes 50 seconds, if you are also many people back to the aid, then set fire blood least.

7. Only people entrap the car, do not have a car to entrap people;

Words will offend a lot of people, but this is true. The performance of the car does not play for you, that you have not changed the style of play to adapt to the performance of the car? Selection of accessories you have no weaknesses, or each other? Skills you practitioners are consistent with your expertise? Frequently say a car entrap those who really cars entrap you, or do you give the car to harmed?

8. High efficiency is actually mocking face

Yes, the pursuit of high efficiency and the same high efficiency is a double-edged sword

Why people of artillery designed staring at your own fried?

Good 1300 + efficiency? In fact, you are in a disguised form of punch opposite shout: Do not pity me! Are coming at me!

9. Outcome only in between your lips

Really have a lot of players, the key when they will be confused

The you and help you, or help him? Go occupation base, or the back to rescue the fire? Enemy may appear where? Should I stand in which position is better?

As the audience, you do not need yells curse addition to prove your quality, no, if you really intended to win, then you make a suggestion to him calmly, perhaps because you have a few words , turn the tides turn defeat into victory. You spoke up, there is little hope, you do not do the slightest hope that he will continue confused.

10. Only choose right, not expensive.

A headache a lot of friends in the choice of gold coins car when I heard that this is true, it is said that good. Gold car in addition to fight money, another basic function is group, based on this point, -6, KV5 silly Q and KV220 can be classified as a class, T14 and T34 can be classified as a class, similar 85I and SU122-44, ultra-Pan and Rams, M4A2E4, barley and pops tiger, B2 and lion-style ...

If you are not rich, not a collection of enthusiasts, or first think about their own style of play is suitable for election which car, what kind of car can easily liter line train car group.

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