Sunday, November 25, 2012

Multiple choice, to create "Guild Wars 2" ranger combat pet paradise

Ranger reason this class is called Ranger, not only because he has a Ranger stature, has amazing shooting skills, but also because he has many loyal animal companion. These loyal partners will not leave the Ranger side because of time or be defeated, they will continue to guard the masters of their hearts, until the final victory.

For the terms of the ranger, the loyal pet is the most effective helpers exceptionally important, the foremost explorers essential resource status. Ranger pets overall divided into three categories: terrestrial, amphibious, underwater, Ranger pet Management panel Total storage space of four pets, were two terrestrial pet underwater pet 2. Land pets can only be placed on land use pet slot underwater pets can be placed only in the underwater use pet slot amphibious pets can be placed in any slot.  guild wars 2 gold

If your pet is defeated, it will not disappear, but limping back to you. At this time, the pet is no fighting ability, it will not take the initiative to attack the enemy, but at a very slow speed to restore blood. So when you need to do is to press F4 to switch the current pet spare pet summoned so defeated before pets can safely restore blood volume, and so to restore full blood back to back.

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