Monday, October 29, 2012

The 1.05 era global Demon Hunter skills to select a new trend

October 17, 1.05 on-line global DH skills to select aspects of what happens to it?

The first active skills, on the left is a version of the 104, and on the right is the 105 version.

See 1-6 of the first group, the members do not change, ready to chase bite Arrow Shadow force, prance, the smokescreen and elements arrows. Changes in just 3,4 prance and wings for a position, the other is in addition to the wings rose a share increased, the share of the rest of the first group are on the decline.

This story tells us:

1. With the rolling fire cut down, part of the DH began to select other DPS skills prance ranking dropped only one, on the one hand, the 105 just on the line for three days, Statistics cycle is also too short, on the other hand is illustrated as a walk the breakout skills, and hurry skills, prance still has its own market.

2. Replace prance position wings instead of other skills, and the wings are the first group only share rose skills, instructions 105 times, the damage reduction vampire rising importance. Green wings have been pulling a lot of hair.

3. The traditional inertia is enormous. Stream the tower defense flow landmines flow, has been everywhere in Kane hammer without a threat to the first group. Of course, with the passage of time, to the 105 final ability to form new inertia bad to say.

Look at the market share of just over 10% of the second group, 7-12 and 104 times, skill and ranking has not changed, however, each share change: combat pet Cluster Arrow is on the rise and spiked traps The claw thorn multiple arrows and arrows on the decline. The guard the whistle and tied bomb hammer rounded out the top ten, become the second group of newcomers.

This story tells us:

1. 105 Versus pet, mines, guard posts and the strengthening of the hammer with the effect, at least everyone willing to try these new gadgets.

2. Strengthen claw thorn and arrows did not get dropped for the second group did not enhance equal to weaken.

3. Lost share multiple arrows should partly cluster arrows, it seems more than P times, the outbreak of the technology that we need stronger.

15-23 is the third group, the share of less than 10% of the popular skills. Deducted Methodist whistle and a hammer, the top four to avoid shooting, in bursts, mark and tied the shadow bomb ranking does not change, but the share fell slightly. The next battle round and pierced changed positions, grenade and knife fan for the position, strafing still bottom.

This story tells us:

1. As long as conducive to the good news, the third member of the Group can be upgraded to the second group. No good news, only cats and dogs.

2. Strafing is wonderful, with the good news, or the bottom.

Next, look at the passive skills, the 104 version of the left and right 105 version.

In contrast, passive skills to be tragic. No change in the top five members and rank, or archery specialization, calm sniper shoot with great precision, strategic advantage and vengeful, but the top four are in addition to the fifth revenge or worst, Mast, directly fallen 12%, there is reason to believe that a hundred paces to roll fire were buried.

The perfectionist rose 16%, breath on the second floor.

The night the Lurker share and ranking declined slightly.

Instruments tuned up 5% of the breath on the 6th floor.

The Grenadiers master and hot pursuit relative ranking unchanged.

The anesthesia trap increased significantly over the previous three hot pursuit depressing contemplation research trajectory repair, expected that the skills can rise because the grenade trap it are valid.

The trembling hunting still bottom, apparently not satisfied with Blizzard BUFF.

Short passive skills variations, 105 times a few strong proponent of skills such as Blizzard wishes whizzing up. Existentialism and change it 'growing market.

These stories tell us:

1. "the consumer is God" are a pack of lies, Blizzard is the the D3 world's only true God, God is the BUG will destroy, God said to BUFF will resurgence.

2. 103 times players own research out of the melee Zhan Zhuang flow, Blizzard said it does not cooool results melee Zhan Zhuang flow to cut.

105 times Blizzard launched melee Zhan Zhuang flow, they said it was cooool, Results remote kite flow in disguise axed.

3. 105 open three days, so some changes just the horizon, the next period of time, these skills are still very variable, from the big trend point of view, Blizzard Edition melee Zhan Zhuang flow is likely to continue to rise, but want rounded out the first group, very difficult.

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