Sunday, October 21, 2012

Analysis of "Guild Wars 2" rogue stealth skill characteristics

Thieves every battle invisible appeared there will be 3 seconds, and can not be re-stealth would have been invisible thieves must have a bit of a talent to increase stealth time 1 second usually thieves can stealth 4 seconds.

Invisible stack the duration of the state of non-combat only Shadow Refuge (there will be a circle + roof stood stealth treatment) will let you have a state that can not be invisible stealth skills in a non-combat state altogether there will not be invisible immune problems Shadow Refuge for 3-4 seconds (see talent), stack 3-4 seconds duration per second, the end of SR, you can also invisible 10 seconds up.

Rogue's stealth talent will send you a Blinding Power (stealth + blindly around 25% of the blood).

Fighting Backstab + treatment stealth + the Blinding Powder + Shadow Trap, can make you invisible time stack to the mountain as high as.

Shortbow 5 does not hit the human condition, you will not be the current (yourself look betray oneself, in fact, you still have stealth BUFF, enemy, or can not see you).

When you see a thief broke into the go to the five-man team, he actually wanted to hit the remaining 25% of the blood automatically invisible and run away, then the above combos.

If you are Asian, your network will always be one second slower +

Regardless of the computer or network, you have at least 1 second delay +

So the thieves betray oneself in fact you only a fraction of a second.

Less than a second, your computer will only display the following figure figures at the foot of the small black circle, does not include the character models.

Unfortunately, that circle black circle, before he moved thief where you still do not know if your computer CPU, GPU have enough, you still lack an SSD, go to upgrade now very cheap.

Multiplayer battle, fell to the ground after thieves, one plug him, others beat him, forced the thief immediately used up instantly move to the next.

If thieves transmitted through the ground, lying on the ground invisible in place must continue to press 1 can kill (before the revision, the thieves will never die, because the transmission with stealth will randomly move your location).

Fell to the ground invisible can treat 4 fell to the ground, will not show up.

If unfortunately 1v1, try to plug the thieves, forced out of his transfer, and then go plug once, or you're waiting for thieves to climb up.

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