Saturday, October 27, 2012

Diablo 3 hero background story of the mysterious We imagine

Diablo 3 hero background story is mysterious, imagination, every hero has its own story, Sometimes these stories are not they want to talk about. Demon hunter is one of them.

From the background of the game, we have to set that, Demon hunter has a very tragic life experience with which they Yike strong revenge on the demons of heart. Plus they often cloak masked shape and poker face expression and icy dialogue, more prominent style of their black heroes. Even if they suffered no amount of pain at all costs even let the devil have to pay even more painful retribution. This is what we know Demon hunter.

Vaeflare also and the players talk to share his knowledge and understanding of this role. He think the Demon hunter childhood suffered much grief, also paid a heavy price. "Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric brothers, when you span in order to reach a very great purpose, you need to pay for that.


I've been playing the single player mode, I also have the opportunity to hear my role (male Demon hunter) and conversation between the witch. Some funny, some not, some avoidance of the story and background and not be answered.

My favorite is this:

Me: you have not studied their own spell?

Witch: Of course! How about you?

Me: I do not want to say this.

This in the end is why? If he does not want to talk about why ask? Demon hunter is what people do?

My first impression Demon hunter from the story of the childhood, they touched on some of their best not to know the spell. I'm feeling that the Demon hunter hero nearly lost too many things in life, so I am very worried that they are in good faith to understand whether these spells will lead to their own lost something more important or become a partner of the devil. Do they try some taboo magic? Would like cartoons "Fullmetal Alchemist" Elric brothers suffered a similar terrible antagonistic effect of spell?

It certainly made me very curious the Demon hunter behind the story, there are many other heroes and followers.

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