Friday, February 22, 2013

Guild Wars 2 puts the 'guild' back in play with new group missions


Next week's update to Guild Wars 2 will do its darndest to get players to group up via new guild missions. These missions, which can be done with guildies or friends, are a new type of PvE experience for the game that offer special challenges that take place in the persistent world.

There are several types of unlock able guild missions, including bounty hunting, exploration, coordinated challenges, races, and puzzles. Players can earn new features for their guild and garner personal rewards by participating.
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ArenaNet released a video to show off the new guild mission system, and it's unlocked by clicking on the green button below. Ready? Set? Go!

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Diablo 3 Changing Course - Jay Wilson Leaves Project


     Diablo 3 has seen its share of turmoil since it launched in May of last year. Today it takes another hit as its project lead, Game Director Jay Wilson, posted on the Blizzard forums today to announce that he'll be leaving Diablo after seven years to work on unspecified projects at Blizzard (Titan, perhaps?). No successor is named, but Wilson says Blizzard is looking for someone who can bring "fresh ideas" to the table. Considering there's an expansion still in the works, we could potentially be looking at an opportunity for a major design revamp.

    Wilson promises that the plans for Diablo 3 will continue under new leadership -- so we can rest assured that the PvP dueling in 1.0.7 and the expansion are still happening. He also acknowledges that his handling of certain community interactions could've been better.

   Jay Wilson: I'm proud of Diablo III, and despite our differences at times I will miss the community that has formed around it. I feel I have made many mistakes in managing that relationship, but my intent was always to provide a great gaming experience, and be as open and receptive as possible, while still sticking true to the vision the Diablo team has for the game.

   I know some of you feel we fell short of our promise to release the game "when  it's ready." While we're not perfect, we try to make the best decisions we can with the information and knowledge we have at the time. That doesn't mean we always make the right decisions, but if we made a mistake then I feel we've made an exceptional effort to correct it.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

C9 Guardian PvP Skill Build

Hey Guys I just want to start my own official discussion for a Strictly PvP Guardian Skill Build!

What Is this?

After some 3 or 4 years of playing Guardian in PvP I have finally taken the time to make a skill build guide made STRICTLY for PvP. I hope this can help some players out who may be a little foggy on which skills are useful in PvP! In the video I talk about which skills NOT to get, as well as in depth reasoning for why I feel every skill I pick up is for either: Utility, Preference or Maxing!

Just remember: THIS BUILD IS STRICTLY FOR PVP    sell C9 Gold items COTN

My name is Rick, or Sir Rick in game and I have been playing guardian for nearly as long as C9 has been out in Korea. In my time there I got a lot of experience under my belt and was able to get a pretty decently high rank in my time over there despite of course there being slight lag issues because of the distance. I had a lot of fun there and got a taste of the game that not many out there have. I made some great and lasting friends over there some of which have already started helping the community for a long time now: such as ArkAwe some!

Now that Global C9 has released I have taken to helping players out as best I can with my you tube Channel and PM's in-game and I hope that I can help the forum goers as well!ESPECIALLY with things regarding GUARDIAN in C9 PVP! PM Me in-game with your questions! I'll be glad to help!

What Can You Do?

Please, I would Like to help out the community as much as possible. Please comment, like and rate on the video itself, but also make sure to reply here and in other places as well! Contact me on the channel or in-game, wherever, I'll be glad to help!

So with that being said Let's all talk Guardian PvP!  cheap C9 gold

Skill Build in Word Form?

I worked hard on that video! Please check it out! But I do plan on doing this section for those who do not have the greatest internet connection or would rather like word form instead.

Like and Subscribe if the video really helps you!

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Battle full career in the high segment Mat Road explain how to play Ranger 6.

    The first few posts about active shooting skills of the Ranger's crack today lecturing Ranger continuous skills and body art skills.

    Talk about continuous skills.

1, poly gas firing. Hold down the right green arrow, Ranger hands skills, you can roll the hide from God horses, but not shot, usually you punch the escapement the end when shot out. If you have enough patience can wait for his lack of time spent this skill automatically.

2 crouch attitude! This is the Ranger's life-saving skills. Click Q on instant stealth invincible, you can move to avoid the remote skills, but electrical hyun can break, but a note the crouched posture then tumbling appeared invincible, electric Hyun must be 2 paragraphs.

3, high winds kicked. Jumping forward to kick you! Forced roll! This skill should pay attention to, Ranger aiming skills can get rid of this continuous skills tumbling! This is why melee recommended level pick attack reason, it is best not to Taoism puncture.

The continuous skills on so few can speak. There jump shooting republican scattering have said that will not repeat it! The following terms of Ranger body  skills.

4, half cut! This skill is a melee Ranger grappling skills, invincible hands, the effect is to repel! So pay attention to the rangers use this skill to interrupt your skills with arrows, if you Retaliation he Run away the best way is to exile Dance immediately to keep up.

5 roundhouse kick! Invincible hands, kick forward. Invincible hands, Taoism puncture can be ruined, I remember the electric hyun on it, but Ranger general not silly with the skills close to you! He Run away are too late.

6 Butterfly combat! This skill is ordinary skills, the only caveat is fast hands! You can use this to interrupt your skills.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Our Africa – Click and Support

    SOS is a fantastic charity that - every year - does a huge amount of great work in Africa, funding the education and care of underprivileged children. “Our Africa” is a project that sees kids across Africa making videos about what life is like through their eyes. It’s a fascinating project from a great charity, and RuneScape’s Video Production Team jumped at the chance to offer our support. Through our YouTube channel, we're getting our video community involved too.
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    So, for every one of you who subscribes to the official RuneScape YouTube channel from now until Christmas, the video team will donate 10¢ to SOS.

   To get involved, just subscribe to our YouTube channel. It won’t cost you a penny and, by doing so, you’ll contribute to SOS, as well as ensuring that you're the first to see all of our RuneScape videos.<a href="http://www.Runescape" title="Runescape Gold for sale">Runescape Gold</a> In case you’ve not been there before, the RuneScape YouTube Channel is home to all RuneScape video content, including our weekly Behind the Scenes videos, our live streams...and Mod Mac falling off a chair.

   For more information about the great work that SOS do, check out their website.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Phantom is my shield, "Guild Wars 2" Mesmer PVE experience

Equipment: The body of the equipment and accessories are the main PPT (power, precision, toughness), mix and match 2 the PTV (strength, toughness, vitality)

With Rune of the Centaur (use of therapeutic skills themselves and teammates get 10 seconds movement speed)

Weapons with PTV property of a long stick to the token + gun

Defense to take a long stick, 2903

Scepter + gun defense force 2725

With points: 10/25/25/0/10


Connoisseur Illusion of Vulnerability

Additional 5 seconds interrupt the enemy vulnerable symptoms.

Expert Empowered Illusions

Mirage caused damage increased by 15%.


Connoisseur Critical Infusion

Critical hit 5 seconds vitality gift. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.

Masters Sharper Images

Avatar Mirage crit additional bleeding symptoms.

Grandmaster Confusing Combatants

Your avatar has been killed or Mirage cause confusion symptoms three seconds.

Expert Phantasm Fury

Your Mirage with rage gift.

Masters Duelist Discipline

Increase the pistol range (including two guns Mirage). Pistol skills cooling time is reduced by 20%.


Expert Metaphysical Rejuvenation

When the value of life is at a maximum 75% for 10 seconds to restore the gift (the cooling time of 30 seconds).

Masters Illusionary Membrane

When you get to the recovery gifts, as well as two seconds of protective gift.

Grandmaster Chaotic Transference

5% Toughness transformed into additional symptoms of damage.

Expert Illusionary Defense

Each avatar with Mirage give you 3% damage reduction.

Masters Chaotic Dampening

Use the staff or trident +50 Toughness. Staff skills cooling time is reduced by 20%.

Illusions illusion

Expert Illusionists Celerity

Summon avatar and Phantom of the cooldown time reduced by 20%.

Expert Compounding Power

Each avatar with Mirage you caused damage increased by 3%.

Expert Master of Misdirection

Confused 33% increase in the duration of symptoms.

Two alternative use state stream so I chose confusion duration of a 33% increase in personal walk.

The blood skills using Ether Feast

Each avatar with Mirage provides additional treatment.

Two slots skills bind

Cool for 24 seconds by the characteristics of the impact Phantasmal Defender

Summon a phantom to absorb half of the damage you are.

Signet of Illusions

The heraldic Passive: give your avatar Mirage more lives value (50%).

The heraldic initiative: reset your crush skills.

Another slot skills depend on individual needs

Usually selected from the following

Mantra of Resolve

Through meditation, the activation of a two symptoms can remove your spell.

Decoy 40

Get hidden (3 seconds) gift and summon an avatar attack your enemies.

Null Field

The energy field charm to create a can remove all of the gifts of the enemy, all allies symptoms (7 seconds).


Create a dome reflector around your enemy projectiles (6 seconds).

Signet of Inspiration

Heraldic passive: every ten seconds to get a random gift (after the revision without fighting can get))

The heraldic initiative: Copy all your gift to nearby allies who.

The illusionist both PVP and PVE considered OP class

But be regarded as more difficult to use in the early

The collocation Damage from Mirage

Summoner but there will be delay time

Relying on their own to enhance the hardness stays past

When three places at once or Mirage 9% damage on the pitch relief

In addition the presence of the phantom take the shield hurtful, halved

Surge capacity back to the blood (the impression back about 7 ~ 8K blood)

The blood remaining reaches 75% recovery rate of 10 seconds is obtained when gift (cooling time of 30 seconds).

Also get two seconds of protective gift.

Unless it is instantly stack too much state, or lying on the ground the opportunity is not high

In addition, the Build basically not fried avatar

Unless the CD time low monster's blood or Zhao Phantom skills to want to increase output

Want to go stealth stream the illusionist can also Dueling 5 points replaced by Chaos 5 points

Point out the guru Prismatic understanding

Covert skills to increase the duration of one second, and get a random gift (protection, restoration, Aegis).

Gun 4 Phantom damage Build BUG

Will cause damage will be weakened, see further amendments back to

The illusionist weaknesses short legs

So Rune way to reinforce this point

With Features elongated gift time state

The middle of the two treatment skills only about 2 to 3 seconds is not added to the Movement NC Joining Module speed.

Can be used with the concentrator to this empty window time repair to get rid of.     cheap guild wars 2 gold

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Guild Wars 2" deluxe digital version of the client again markdowns

Recent "Guild Wars 2" The client has been doing the promotional activities, this not only threw in virtual goods straight down 15 $, the luxury digital edition now only 44.99 $ you can start.

Digital Deluxe Edition has an additional reward items:

Unique summon mist fire elite wolf skills, all roles are shared;

The mini pet Rytlock, a ferocious charr small pets;

The glory of the Holy Grail: the faster you get the PVP bonus points (used once);

Impact Collection: allows your guild influence, once gain syrup;

Golem bankers: can summon a footman, and allows you to remotely use the bank (for 5 days);

The sorcerer hat: The Deluxe Edition Plus Free items before purchase luxury version does not have this, you can take him COS a witch!

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